Mobile Personal Trainer Bondi

Kinetik Fitness provide a wide variety of fitness classes that’ll let you achieve your goals either from the comfort of your own home, or any location of your choice. We have 1-on-1 personal training sessions which are ideal for people who would like to work with a professional trainer & have the flexibility of scheduling their own workouts. We also offer 2-on-1 classes which are great for people who prefer working out with friends or partners, but would still like a personalized training routine. Our group classes are great for people who like working out with others, but still need some guidance from a qualified instructor. Let us help you work towards your fitness goals today. We can help people of all fitness levels reach their goals with our energising, fun and engaging training sessions! Contact us today to talk to one of our fitness specialists. 

Group Fitness Classes Bondi Beach

Do you prefer working out as part of a group? Kinetik Fitness offers group training classes that will allow you to workout with a highly motivated, outgoing, fun and qualified trainer from a range of beautiful locations. Because our studio is mobile (and jam packed with state of the art workout equipment) we can literally go anywhere you would like to workout. Gone are the days of working out from a boring gym. Take your training to the next level from home or from any location you like. We have programs to suit anyone and everyone. The team at Kinetik Fitness are always here to help. If you need more information or would like to discuss our training services, get in touch today.